A Journey to Inner Wisdom and Healing

You cannot but be in the right place at the right time
— A Course in Miracles

In this 5 week Workshop you will learn...

  • Clear Mind Meditation Techniques

  • How to deal with your Awakening Symptoms

  • How to protect yourself from negative people or energy

  • How to set boundaries with family and friends

  • How to cleanse your Aura and Chakras

  • How to connect with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels and much more...

 new dates for 2024

Dates: TBC

Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Cost: $399 a non-returnable deposit of $99 is required to secure a place

Location: Zoom

Suitability: For beginners and Intermediate level


Space is Limited!


Payment Options

By Bank transfer to



Please register your interest for our next workshop filling the form below...

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening...

At this time, many things are changing in the world. We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before. A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Many people now want to take their lives back into their own hands and escape the model imposed by society in order to really know happiness and live the life they truly want to live – not one dictated by television, magazines, movies, social identifications and all kinds of meaningless clichés many now want to get away from.


Have you experienced any symptoms of a spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this, the answer is “yes!”


  1. An increased interest in metaphysical subjects and the paranormal

  2. Ringing in the ears

  3. Increased chills or shivers

  4. Receiving the 11:11 call with regularity

  5. Regular instances of synchronicity

  6. Lack of interest in negative vibrations or interests, loss of interest in old friendships, places or behaviors

  7. Physical sensitivity – sensitive to light, noise, certain foods

  8. Emotional sensitivity – extreme highs or extreme lows, wild or erratic mood swings, unexplained depression or sudden waves of emotion

  9. Seeing repetitive numbers everywhere like.... 444, 555, 777

  10. Knowing that something has changed within you or your life, even if you can’t explain what

  11. Becoming more introverted or sensitive, craving more time alone

  12. A deep yearning to find meaning in life, to help others, to fulfill a life purpose or soul mission

  13. Changes in appetite and eating habits – you may find you are suddenly much hungrier, craving protein or unusual foods. Sudden aversion to drinking alcohol, eating meat, chemical laden food or unnatural substances, or less need to eat at all

  14. Sudden health complications, ailments or injuries – old issues held in your energetic blueprint are being released

  15. Changing sleep patterns – unable to sleep, waking during the night feeling wired or overstimulated, sometimes more than once

  16. Increased psychic or intuitive abilities and altered states of consciousness – senses, visions, knowing, hearing or even seeing

  17. Vivid, meaningful dreams, or lucid dreaming

  18. Impatience – perhaps you know something is supposed to happen and you feel you literally can’t wait for it, or you feel a soul call or life purpose that needs to be fulfilled. A feeling of time running out

  19. Communications with spirit, Creator, guides or ascended masters, angels or Galactic beings

  20. Confusion in life or inability to make decisions

  21. Past life memories or current life issues rising to the surface to be released and healed

  22. Experiencing Unconditional Love as a state of being

  23. Experiencing blissful moments of serenity, peace, and love

  24. You don’t feel like yourself anymore

  25. You can no longer tolerate violence on tv, movies or video games

  26. You seriously question the religious beliefs that you grew up with

  27. You have dreams and premonitions that come true

  28. You get headaches often, and there doesn’t seem to be a medical explanation for this

  29. Skin eruptions

  30. Events that completely alter your life (death, divorce, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes)

  31. “Teachers” appear everywhere with perfect timing to help you on your spiritual journey

  32. Electrical and mechanical malfunctions

  33. Fear of change and want to go back to be "normal"

  34. Feeling closer to animals and plants

  35. Physically manifesting thoughts and desires more quickly and efficiently

  36. Heart palpitations

  37. Dizziness/Vertigo

  38. Changes in energy levels

  39. A feeling of having brain fog

  40. Night sweats

  41. A feeling of being on an emotional roller coaster ride

  42. Crying outbursts without a reason

  43. Questioning life and why you are here and have an intense feeling and urge to find out what your life purpose is

  44. Suddenly find yourself interested in healing, crystals, tarot cards and other forms of divination and of spiritual topics.



‘I had an Angelic Reiki treatment with Gabriela and fell in love with her and the Angels.
I then went on to do The Spiritual awakening course and have just completed Angelic Reiki. Give yourself a gift and book a treatment with Gabriela.....you just never know what can happen from there.

With much love and gratitude.’

- Suzi Satterhwaite, Auckland, NZ